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"I Am Maine Tourism"

The Maine Tourism Association has launched the second generation of the “I Am Maine Tourism” campaign highlighting Maine's largest industry and the positive impact a strong tourism economy has on all sectors of Maine's economy. In this new series there are six 30-second spots each highlighting a different type of tourism job, from hotel management, to chef, to guide services, to education, plus a three-minute compilation video.

According to a U.S. Travel Association report, nearly 40 percent of workers whose first job was in the travel industry reached an annual career salary of more than $100,000 and one-third of Americans who started in travel achieved a bachelor’s degree. Tourism supports nearly 107,000 jobs in Maine. Household income generated through jobs supported by tourism was over $2.5 billion. Total taxes generated from tourism was nearly $600 million. (Maine Office of Tourism, 2017)

Maine Tourism Works- Compilation from Maine Tourism Association on Vimeo.


In 2017 The Maine Tourism Association launched a new campaign highlighting Maine’s largest industry and the positive impact a strong tourism economy has on all sectors of Maine’s economy. The campaign, I Am Maine Tourism, features seven video spots with individuals from seven diverse backgrounds telling in their own words how tourism plays an important role in their profession and business.

The videos feature a marine retailer, a superintendent of schools, a real estate agent, a car salesperson, a farmer, a hardware store owner, and a landscaper – all professions not normally associated with tourism but that all benefit from revenue generated from the tourism industry.

According to 2017 statistics from the Maine Office of Tourism, tourism supports nearly 107,000 jobs in Maine, roughly 16 percent of employment in the state and greater than the populations of Portland and Augusta combined. Household income generated through jobs supported by tourism was more than $2.5 billion.

"I AM MAINE TOURISM" Compilation from Maine Tourism Association on Vimeo.

At the request of Maine Tourism Association U.S. Senator Susan Collins and U.S. Senator Angus King have recorded video messages highlighting the importance of the tourism industry in Maine.

Senators King and Collins understand how crucial tourism employees are to Maine’s economy and were eager to lend their names to Maine Tourism Associations efforts to boost the profile of tourism. They know that we face workforce challenges and part of the solution is ensure that everyone knows that tourism is a top industry in Maine and it creates not only good-paying jobs, but careers. 

Senator King on the importance of Maine tourism from Maine Tourism Association on Vimeo.

Senator Collins and Maine Tourism from Maine Tourism Association on Vimeo.

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