Maine Community Litter Cleanup Day: With the House and Senate overriding a Governor’s veto last week, a statewide litter cleanup day can now move forward next year. Public Law 41 designates the first Saturday in May as Maine Community Litter Cleanup Day, with the Governor annually issuing a proclamation inviting and urging the citizens of the State to observe this day through appropriate activities such as removing litter from roads.

It is important to the tourism industry to keep our roadways clean and free from litter to help bolster the positive image visitors have of Maine. With natural, scenic beauty as one of Maine’s biggest assets, a statewide community cleanup day is an easy way for people to work together in keeping our landscape clean and making sure our unspoiled scenery continues to be a large economic driver for the state for years to come.

Employment of Minors: Another bill aimed at allowing minors more employment opportunities will be debated by the LCRED Committee this week. LD 1564, An Act To Conform State Law to Federal Law While Promoting Safe Working Environments for Minors, sponsored by Senator Brian Langley, amends laws relating to minors 14 and 15 years of age to allow them to work in bowling alleys and movie theaters and to clarify their employment in bakeries, hotels and rooming houses.

The bill also moves the occupational restrictions for minors 16 and 17 years of age to the section with occupational restrictions for minors 14 and 15 years of age. It also clarifies that graduates of vocational programs who are under 18 years of age can work in the occupations for which they were trained.

Here is a link to the full text of the bill:

The Maine Tourism Association testified in support of a similar bill last week, and we will also voice our support of LD 1564 at the public hearing, which is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10th at 1 pm. Those who are unable to attend the hearing and would like to provide testimony in support of the bill may do so by contacting the committee clerk at

Tip Credit Work Sessions: It has been confirmed that May 10th will be minimum wage day at the State House. The LCRED Committee will be holding work sessions on all ten of the minimum wage and tip credit bills, beginning at 10 am.

Income Tax/3% Surtax Work Sessions: Wednesday will also be the day for work sessions on the income tax/3 percent surtax bills. Although this issue will ultimately be included in the budget if changes are to be made, the Taxation Committee still needs to take action on the six bills introduced and held public hearings earlier in the year. Those work sessions will also start at 10 am.

Legislative Calendar: To see what is happening in other committees this week or to listen to any public hearings or work sessions, the legislative calendar is a great resource. You may sort the schedule to view by day or for the full week, and can further refine your selection by hearings and work sessions. Additionally, links are available to read any written testimony provided during the public hearings.

The legislative calendar may be found at the following site:

Maine Tourism Association Advocacy Program. If you would like additional information, please contact Diane Johanson at the Maine Tourism Association at 623-0363 Ext. 104; by cell phone at 207-897-8077, or via e-mail at