A $5 million dollar grant program administered by MaineDOT’s Bureau of Planning has been created to support workforce transportation pilot projects around the state. Funds may be used for capital and operating costs, including program start-up costs. This is an exciting opportunity for Maine employers in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industries to open up job opportunities to jobseekers without reliable transportation to get to work.


While there is no application deadline, applicants are encouraged to submit projects as soon as possible. Applications may be submitted by employers or groups of employers, municipalities, non-profit organizations, human service organizations, and public/private transportation providers. Applicants are encouraged to engage with potential partners including, but not limited to, regional planning organizations, chambers of commerce and other business groups, county governments, workforce boards, and community action programs. In general, awarded projects should begin within four months of contract execution. This requirement can be waived based on circumstances as described by the applicant.


Employers interested in pursuing a transportation program are encouraged to reach out to Kathryn Ference, Director of Workforce Development at the Maine Tourism Association, at kference@mainetourism.com or at 207-446-3214